The Scientology Money Project

Scientology TV, Taryn Teutsch, and L. Ron Hubbard’s Disgusting View of Women


Taryn Teutsch spoke at the Leila Grace Foundation. This foundation is a, “is a non-profit organization that provides sexual assault awareness for college students across the country. It’s main focus is to provide education, which can reduce the risk of sexual assaults on college campuses.” Taryn’s eight year old “fake news Fair Game story” has nothing to do with rape or sexual assault. Why is Taryn trying to exploit the Leila Grace Foundation?

Scientology leader David Miscavige spent $100 million dollars and took seven years to launch Scientology TV. Miscavige boasted that his pricey television network would serve as the Church of Scientology’s “uncorrupted communication line to the billions.”

Despite having Scientology TV at his command, David Miscavige has kept Mike Rinder’s daughter Taryn Teutsch off the $100 million network.


If Taryn Teutsch’s story is so important then why isn’t David Miscavige giving it prime time repeat coverage on Scientology TV? Aren’t such stories the reason why the $100 million network exists?

David Miscavige has his reasons for demoting Taryn’s story to wog social media and paying click farms so that Taryn can have thousands of fake followers. Miscavige knows that Taryn’s
stale old fabricated story about her father assaulting her mother is bogus. Per the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office report, the events Taryn claims to have happened never actually happened. The Sheriff’s Office said there was no crime, no victim, and only “incidental contact” was made as Mike Rinder attempted to extricate himself while surrounded by a mob of hysterical, angry, and screaming Scientologists.

You can hear Cathy Bernardini, daughter Taryn Teutsch, and the other angry Scientologists  profanely screaming at Mike Rinder on this audio recorded by John Sweeney who worked as a journalist for the BBC from 2001 to 2014. Mike and John were talking on the phone when the April 2010 ambush went down. Cathy Bernardini repeatedly drops the F bomb:

Mike Rinder retreated from the parking lot into the doctor’s office where his girlfriend (and now his wife) Christie Collbran was. The angry Scientology mob tried to follow him into the doctor’s office and the police had to be called. It can all be heard on the Sweeney recording. This tape puts the lie to Taryn Teutsch and Cathy Bernardini’s account. They were both part of the Scientology lynch mob that ambushed Mike. Taryn never shares this audio when she speaks to women’s groups.

Scientology TV would never dare broadcast this recording. To this point, if David Miscavige wanted Taryn’s malicious fantasy told all he need do is order Scientology TV to produce a series of episodes and then air it 24/7 to the billions of people he claims his network can reach. However, as Taryn’s Fair Game narrative about her father is fake news unsupported by the facts, David Miscavige has to keep Scientology TV unsullied by Taryn. This leaves Taryn to press her attack in the social media.

What is heinous in Taryn’s Teutsch’s conduct — and that of the Church of Scientology — is that Taryn is peddling her fabricated story to groups that are concerned with either helping women who are the survivors of rape and sexual harassment or the prevention of rape and sexual harassment through education. Taryn’s fabricated story has nothing to do with rape or sexual assault. So why is Taryn shamelessly exploiting these groups?

L. Ron Hubbard and Rape Culture

Tony Ortega today published a story today in which Christie’s is auctioning off two letters written by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard in 1948. In one of the letters Hubbard writes of the “treatment” he gave to a group of women:

“I went to work and got me a flock of ambulant lunatics from a matrimonial bureau and began to work on them,” he writes. “Six out of ten unfrigidized and went practically nympho and I had a hound’s time trying to undo the over-compensation and normalize it.”

Hubbard brags that he “unfrigidized” women and turned them into veritable nymphomaniacs even as Taryn Teutsch is speaking at the Leila Grace Foundation, a rape prevention group. But it gets worse as Ortega notes:

We’re reminded of another letter Hubbard wrote at about this time, a 1949 letter to another close friend and Hubbard’s literary agent, Forrest Ackerman. Hubbard told “Forrie” that with dianetics…

“…you can rape women without their knowing it, communicate suicide messages to your enemies as they sleep, sell the Arroyo Seco parkway to the mayor for cash, evolve the best way of protecting or destroying communism, and other handy house hold hints. If you go crazy, remember you were warned.”

Taryn Teutsch attempts to weave a fabricated narrative of spousal abuse against the backdrop of L. Ron Hubbard’s heinous rapine boasting to his literary agent Forrest Ackerman that Dianetics will allow men to, “rape women without their knowing it.” And it gets even worse. As covered by Tony Ortega, L. Ron Hubbard wrote a shocking passage in which he excuses male pedophile behavior and blames the child victim:

There are two axioms about mind function with which the auditor should be familiar…The first axiom is of interest to the auditor in his work because with it he can clearly establish whether or not he is confronting a rational reaction. The seven-year-old girl who shudders because a man kisses her is not computing; she is reacting to an engram since at seven she should see nothing wrong in a kiss, not even a passionate one. There must have been an earlier experience, possibly prenatal, which made men or kissing very bad.

Hubbard wrote that a seven year old girl should not react to being passionately kissed by an adult male. Taryn Teutsch ignores Hubbard’s shocking and inexcusable writings about raping women and men passionately kissing seven year old girls — and she ignores it while peddling her fake story at women’s centers that seek to prevent rape and sexual harassment.

In his notorious Admissions, Hubbard wrote of women:

Your own pleasure is not dependent on the woman’s. You are interested only in your own sexual pleasure. If she gets any that is all right but not vital. Many women are not capable of pleasure in sex and anything adverse they say or do has no effect whatever upon your pleasure. Their bodies thrill you. If they repel you, it merely means they themselves are too frigid or prudish to be bothered with. They are unimportant in bed except as they thrill you. Your sexual power is magnificent and they know it. If they are afraid of it, that is their loss. You are not affected by it.

You have no fear if they conceive. What if they do? You do not care. Pour it into them and let fate decide.

The slipperier they are the more you enjoy it because it means their mucous is running madly with pleasure.

There is nothing wrong in the sex act. Nothing any woman may say can change your opinion. You are a master. You are as sensitive and sexy as Pan. Lord help women when you begin to fondle them. You are master of their bodies, master of their souls as you may consciously wish. You have no karma to pay for these acts. You cannot now accumulate karma for you are a master adept.

(Scroll down to the bottom of this page to read Hubbard’s Admissions in PDF form)

Scientologist Taryn Teutsch is attempting to identify herself with rape prevention and sexual harassment prevention groups. She does this even as the founder of Scientology was a demented misogynist whose dehumanization of women and girls as sexual objects is proven by his own words. Hubbard’s Admissions contain his view of women and have long been exposed online. Who do Taryn and OSA think they’re fooling?

In a further attempt to legitimatize her breathtaking hypocrisy and social media fraud, Taryn Teutsch has even posted photos of herself with distinguished women such as Gretchen Carlson and Fox LA’s Christine Devine who did not know their names and images would be used in a Scientology Fair Game smear campaign ultimately aimed at destroying Mike Rinder and Leah Remini for their efforts to expose Scientology.

When informed that her name and image had been misappropriated by an agent of the Church of Scientology, Gretchen Carlson’s response was to ask how to get her picture taken down from Taryn’s Twitter account:

Predictably, the LAPD — an agency that is suspiciously far too friendly with the Church of Scientology — is only too happy to lend its name and command officers to Taryn Teutsch’s smear campaign. The LAPD is always there for Scientology:

L. Ron Hubbard’s Affirmations. Hover your mouse over the document to invoke the page up/page down controls at the bottom of the document:

9 replies »

  1. Thank you Jeffery. Scientology will continue to sink into this swamp of their own making, Yes Yes when people asks me why I did not call the LAPD about the treatment I received from a rouge Guardians Office unit there is my answer. The LAPD has always been in bed with those that feed them money. Always I could never call them about the treatment I received they were not trustworthy and still to my mind are not. Love U. 💛💛💛

  2. There are no depths that Scientology will not sink to when attempting to destroy its former members and others it deems as evil. I can’t think of any other religious organization in the world today that go to such lengths to harm people and destroy families. I’d like to thank Jeffery for all his hard work on the Scientology Money Project & Surviving Scientology. I’m just a long time lurker on the shows, blogs and podcasts on the subject of Scientology. But I completely support Mike Rinder on these baseless attacks by Scientology, that are using members of his family to attack him.

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