The Scientology Money Project

Attn QAnon: Leigh Dundas is a Scientologist

Scientologist Leigh Dundas on the road with the People’s Convoy.

There has been talk on QAnon social media asking if California lawyer Leigh Dundas is a Scientologist. The answer is yes. Leigh Dundas is a Scientologist who has reached the State of Clear in 2010. After attesting to the State of Clear, Leigh Dundas began her OT preps. Here are Leigh Dundas’ completions in the Church of Scientology:

Leigh Dundas has never denied that she is a Scientologist. She has never made a public departure from the Church Scientology.


As a class, Scientologists are pro-Trump, anti-vaxx, anti-tax, pro-gun, and anti-government. To be sure, not all Republicans — and not all Scientologists — share these positions or support Donald Trump.

What makes Conservative Scientologists QAnon compatible is that both Scientologists and QAnon are deeply rooted in conspiracy theories.

Like QAnon, Scientologists also believe there is a global conspiracy to enslave humanity. What makes Scientologists unique, however, is that they believe the global plot to enslave humanity is lead by Psychiatry.

Scientologists call Psychiatrists “Psychs.” L. Ron Hubbard wrote a secret bulletin in which he said the Psychs are an extraterrestrial race that came to Earth eons ago from a planet called Farsec.

Scientologists believe that the widespread prescribing of psychiatric drugs across all sectors — children, teens, adults, schools, military, business, artists, and everywhere else — is central to the global plot to enslave humanity. This is why Scientologists so intensely hate Psychiatry and have the destruction of Psychiatry as a central doctrinal goal.

The QAnon correlate to Scientology is that QAnon substitutes vaccines for Psych drugs as the mechanism by which elitist Globalists are acting to enslave humanity. Alternately, some QAnons aver that vaccines are the mechanism by which the Illuminati will kill off a large part of humanity in a secret depopulation program.

QAnon adherents variously believe that Covid vaccines contain nano-GPS trackers; that vaccines alter human DNA; that vaccines are designed sterilize and feminize men and that this somehow is part of a New World Order plot to forward transgenderism; and that vaccines somehow interact with 5G signal to create lethal health effects.

At the core of both Scientology and QAnon are conspiracy theories which serve as engines of extremism.


Scientologist Leigh Dundas initially entered the QAnon world when she spoke out with great indignation and fury against mandatory masking laws in her home base of South Orange County, California a/k/a The OC. Dundas’ blowtorch activism attracted attention and she was invited to speak at many anti-vaxx rallies. As her star began to rise in anti-mask and anti-vaxx circles, Dundas seamlessly and quickly rose to become an organizer and leading figure in QAnon circles.

Leigh Dundas was soon on conference calls with then President Trump’s people. This got the attention of Dundas’ fellow Scientologist Kirstie Alley who tweeted it:


After the 2020 election, Leigh Dundas became part of Trump’s “Stop the Steal” movement. Dundas made her infamous appearance at the January 6th Insurrection where she gave an ominous speech in which she said Patriots had the right to hang or shoot turncoats, i.e. those who acted to steal Trump’s election victory.

After her speech as dusk fell on DC, Leigh Dundas made a triumphant tweet just outside the Capitol boasting about the theft of a bottle of wine from Speaker Pelosi’s office:

After her activities on January 6, Dundas suddenly headed south into Mexico. In our opinion, see left US jurisdiction to see what would happen in the fallout of the Insurrection as the FBI began its massive nationwide dragnet to round up and arrest those who breached the Capitol. Dundas denies entering the Capitol but she was near the doors. See Tony Ortega’s article at the Underground Bunker



Leigh Dundas was most recently involved as an organizer and leader in the People’s Convoy a/k/a the American Freedom Convoy . This was a copycat operation of the Ottawa Freedom truckers. The People’s Convoy departed Adelanto, California on February 23, 2022 and planned to arrive in Washington DC in time for President Biden’s State of the Union address on March 1, 2022.

Leigh Dundas collecting cash donations for the American Freedom Convoy

During the roadtrip to DC, DundasΒ  suddenly vanished from the People’s Convoy without explanation. At the same time, the People’s Convoy Fiscal Stewardship webpage issued a statement defending the group’s fundraising practices and expenditures.

The statement appears to be an attempt by the People’s Convoy to distance itself from both Leigh Dundas and her comrade in arms Pamela Milaceck, the Executive Director of the Β American Foundation for Civil Liberties and Freedoms (AFCLF), who has outstanding arrest warrants in Texas.Β The trucking trade group FreightWaves reported on the arrest warrants for Milacek:

As U.S. truckers continue their cross-country journey, dubbed the People’s Convoy, to Washington to protest government mandates regarding COVID-19, an executive with the American Foundation for Civil Liberties and Freedoms (AFCLF), an organization that is collecting funds on the truckers’ behalf, has a criminal past in Texas.

On its website, the AFCLF, a conservative fundraising organization, has raised over $1.6 million for the People’s Convoy.

Pamela Milacek, executive director of the AFCLF, has active warrants out for her arrest for probation violations related to her pleading guilty in two cases involving fraud and exploitation of an elderly person, Matthew Hawkins, the criminal deputy district clerk for Collin County District Clerk’s Office, told FreightWaves on Friday.

β€œJust to note though, since she received deferred adjudication, she has not actually been convicted at this time,” Hawkins said.

The same People’s Convoy webpage now speaks of Dundas and her organization — Advocates for Citizens’ Rights — in the past tense:

We should note that there are groups and individuals that have supported us at various points throughout this journey – Advocates for Citizens’ Rights, American Foundation for Civil Liberties and Freedom, Leigh Dundas, and others – and these groups and individuals deserve our thanks and support for helping to make our convoy the success it has been.Β  We do not condone criticism or false accusations directed at any of our partners, who deserve only our sincere gratitude and respect.



Leigh Dundas most recent appearance was in San Marcos, California at the Reawaken American tour in March 2022. From the San Diego Union Tribune:

SAN MARCOS β€” Eric Trump, Roger Stone, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and other right-wing figures spoke at a conservative conference held at a San Marcos church this weekend, while other local faith leaders protested the event, calling it an anti-democratic movement that distorts Christianity.

The Reawaken America conference, organized by Flynn and Thrivetime Show podcast host Clay Clark, was held at Awaken Church in San Marcos as part of a national tour. Other Awaken church locations made headlines during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic when the county issued cease-and-desist notices ordering them to stop holding unmasked indoor services….

At the Reawaken America conference, Dundas was interviewed in a podcast at the event in which she explains her sudden departure from the People’s Convoy. Dundas blames the Convoy leaders for being cowards when they got word there was going to a “hit piece” on her, which story we cited above. The Convoy leaders were concerned about the story of the arrest warrants out for Dundas’ associate Pamela Milacek. This news would also cast a shadow on Dundas.

Dundas says there were two things at work in the Convoy. The first is an undisclosed big money donor and then herself as the boots on the ground. Dundas says her microphone is the equivalent of a sniper rifle. This telling admission explains the extremism which lead her on January 6 to say Patriots were well within their rights to call for turncoats to be hanged or shot. The podcast shows Dundas’ view of herself as a heroic warrior while, at the same time, being utterly blind to her own violent nature as an agitator willing to incite others into violence as she did on January 6.

Leigh Dundas engages in quite a bit of Christian talk in this podcast. And yet Jesus said that no one can serve two masters for they will love one and hate the other. So who is Leigh Dundas serving? Donald Trump; QAnon; L. Ron Hubbard; or Jesus? We ask because the metatags for the podcast are:

Qanon, Great Awakening, Deep State, Military Tribunals, Trump, Clam Before the Storm, CIA, DOJ, FBI, Blessed To Teach, Q anon, Qanon Today,, Qanon Update,, Shadow Government, WearetheNews, Latest Qanon, Qanon Today, Qanon Posts


What makes any religion unique is its distinctive doctrinal structure, beliefs, and practices that set it apart from all other religions. On this basis we can examine the key areas in which Scientology and Christianity radically differ from each other in terms of core doctrines. Indeed,Β  L. Ron Hubbard wrote a series of immutable Scientology doctrines which effectively demand that Scientologists cannot be Christians or members of any other religion.

The first doctrine pertains to exclusivity. As we previously published, in Scientology’s formal and written 1992 1023 application for 501(c)3 tax exemption, the Church’s lawyers told the IRS that people are expected to give up their existing religious beliefs and practices to become Scientologists:

Although there is no policy or Scriptural mandate expressly requiring Scientologists to renounce other religious beliefs or membership in other churches, as a practical matter Scientologists are expected to and do become fully devoted to Scientology to the exclusion of other faiths. As Scientologists, they are required to look only to Scientology Scriptures for the answers to the fundamental questions of their existence and to seek enlightenment only from Scientology. Thus, a Scientologist who grew up in the Jewish faith who continues formal membership in his synagogue and attends services with his family violates no Scientology policy or tenet. On the other hand, such a person is not permitted to mix the practice of his former faith into his practice and understanding of Scientology so as to alter orthodox Scientology in any way.

Scientology is speaking out of both sides of its mouth in the above statement to the IRS. Translated into simple terms, the statement means that a ScientologistΒ must and willΒ become a Scientologist to the exclusion of all other faiths. As L. Ron Hubbard wrote:

See our essay: Why You Can’t be a Christian and a Scientologist


Scientologist and social media influencer Grant Cardone recently paid Donald Trump a hefty personal appearance fee to speak at his 10X rally in March 2022 in Hollywood, Florida.

Grant Cardone’s bossbabe wife Elena Cardone loves herself some serious firepower. This OT8grrrl is locked and loaded and ready to fight when the Marcabian Mass Landing happens:

Affluent, and yet unbelievably boring, Scientology OT Tom Cummins had his photo taken with President Trump in 2019.

Has-been Trump-dress-wearing Joy Villa is a Scientologist:

The Church of Scientology’s lobbying firm in Washington DC is The Mitchell Firm. The company is run by Scientologists Greg Mitchell and his wife Renee Bessone:

Mitchell and Bessone have worked with Jonathan Lockwood.

See Mitchell Firm Lobbying disclosures.

Greta Van Susteren and her husband John Coale are Scientologists.

The Rev. Franklin Graham and Greta Van Susteren routinely appear together at BGEA and Samaritan’s Purse events. This has caused some to ask if Greta was sent into Graham’s organization to safepoint Scientology. Click to see the Shock Dox: Scientology’s Secret Teachings about Jesus Christ


The Nation of Islam formally affiliated with Church of Scientology in the 2000’s. This alliance secretly began back in 1976 when a fellow NOI member introduced Louis Farrakhan to Scientology.

The alliance between the Church of Scientology and the Nation of Islam publicly emerged in the mid-2000’s. By 2010, Minister Louis Farrakhan ordered Nation of Islam members to embrace Dianetics and Scientology if they wanted to remain in the leadership of the Nation.

Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan is vehemently opposed to COVID vaccinations. He has compared vaccines to the horrendous Tuskegee experiment. Mr. Farrakhan has said vaccines are an attempt by Whites to kill Blacks. Leigh Dundas has never once spoken about the Nation of Islam in her many periorations on the evils of vaccinations.

Minister Farrakhan speaking on the subject of Scientology in 2011:



The ultimate purpose of Scientology's Sea Org is to conduct the genocide L. Ron Hubbard ordered

Although Scientologists are anti-vaxx, Scientology leader David Miscavige secretly ordered his paramilitary Sea Org to be vaccinated. This perfidious act of enforcing COVID vaccinations on the Sea Org lead some Scientologists to ask if David Miscavige is secretly in league with Big Pharma and the Psychs.

“Human Rights Attorney” Leigh Dundas has never once challenged Captain Miscavige’s trampling upon the human rights of Sea Org members by forcing them to get vaccinated. And yet Dundas has railed against mandatory orders to wear masks and get vaccinated as a condition of employment.

Why has Leigh Dundas remained silent about Captain Miscavige’s decades-long pattern ofΒ  human rights abuses and exploitation of Sea Org members? Would not Jesus expect her to use her legal skills to speak out for the oppressed?

“To whom much is given, much is expected.”

The Bottom Line: Leigh Dundas is surrounded by many unanswered questions.Β 

4 replies »

  1. As an ex-Scientologist, I can attest that.the cult of Scientology is fully controlled and owned by CIA, so is its leader David.Miscavige and his buddy Tom Cruise. Scientology has a section, called The Office of Special Affair (OSA). They trained some of their hand picked scientologists and have the infiltrate different group and organization in order to collect informations for OSA and CIA. Every single scientologist who has entered into Trump team, convoy, Patriots, reawakening America and more, are there to collect data and create a big blow to our movement. Leigh Dundas is a great example.
    For example, She used over $10K of the movement donation and gave it to her scientology cult and forced one of the Patriots to take scientology courses and told her that if she refuses to take these courses she’s going to destroy her life. When the Patriot realize that this is the donation money she was trying to protect herself and her group from.Leigh’s.lies and told Leigh this is not right but Leigh badmouthed her to every Patriot she possibly could.
    If Trump’s Camp,.Patriots and our movement is not going to spot these scientologist criminals and expose , we will never free our country.
    BTW, if you’ve never watched the TV documentary by Leah Remini- actress and Mike Rinder (ex-.scientology top executive for 40 year) exposing the crimes, sex trafficking and child abuse in the hands of its leader and Tom Cruise. I strongly suggest that you do watch all the seasons and the truth where some of its victims speaking out.
    Also watch “Going Clear” true.documentary.

    If Leigh Dundas was truly a human right activist and wanted to help mankind, she should have stood against her own Scientology cult’s corruption, se. Trafficking and human trafficking first. But she never had. Scientology has informant in CIA and in FBI. That’s why thousands of ex- cult members reported corruption and trafficking to FBI which has been buried and no action has ever been taken.

    Expose Leigh Dundas and all the scientologists who are infiltrating in our movements and stop them NOW before it is too late.

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