The Scientology Money Project

Leah Remini and the Church of Scientology

TroublemakerThe Church of Scientology has gone on another of its rabid mad dog attacks. This time, the Church’s target is Leah Remini and ABC News.

In a series of letters, the Church has bitterly complained to ABC executives about the network’s coverage of actress and former Scientologist Leah Remini and her new book Troublemaker.

On its website, the Church reprinted nine letters it sent to ABC concerning Leah Remini and what it perceives to be ABC’s unfair treatment of Scientology. One problem with the Church of Scientology’s letters is that they are awash in vague generalities and unverifiable claims about the Church’s alleged expansion and its “social betterment” activities. None of its claims are proven by actual data.

Worse, and to the Church’s own damnation, Scientology uses these letters to make extremely vile personal attacks on Leah Remini. This is hardly surprising as the Church of Scientology has a history of making perverted and obscene attacks on women. For example, in the 1970’s Church of Scientology members scrawled Paulette Cooper’s name and private phone number with lurid messages on the walls of men’s public restrooms in New York. This filthy program of revenge against Cooper resulted in strange men calling her at all hours of the night and day seeking sex.

The Church humiliated Debbie Cook when she was still in the Church by making her stand in a trash can for eight hours with a sign around her neck that read “I am a Lesbo.” Water was repeatedly thrown on Cook during this ordeal. She was screamed at to publicly confess that she was a lesbian. Cook is not a lesbian and has been married for decades. Nevertheless, Church leader David Miscavige and his OSA hate machine have always been obsessed with making sleazy sexual slurs and attacks against people within and without the Church. When Cook described her humiliation in a public court hearing, David Miscavige quickly wrote a big check to settle with her in order to escape any further exposure of his depraved behavior.

The Church of Scientology is now viciously attacking Leah Remini in an attempt to demonize her. Leah’s “crime” was the same as that of the heroic Paulette Cooper: Leah dared to write a brave book exposing the Church of Scientology.

What I found to be particularly hypocritical about the Church’s attacks on Leah Remini was its characterization of her as a “no case gain.” This is one of the worst things a Scientologist can be called. This aspersion by the Church begs the question: If Leah spent 30 years in Scientology only to be a “no case gain” then what does this say about Scientology’s oft-repeated claim that “the Tech works.” Apparently, the Tech is not that good if a person can pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for auditing and donate millions to the IAS only to be a no case gain.

Scientology can’t have it both ways: If the Tech works and Flag can crack any case, then Leah should have gotten case gain in thirty years. Otherwise, the Tech does not not work and David Miscavige and the Church of Scientology are lying about the efficacy of the Tech.

Moreover, if Leah Remini is a “no case gain” then the Church of Scientology should give her back every penny she ever donated to the Church just to prove its point that it does not need her or her money. But instead of having integrity and the decency to return her money, the Church has kept Leah’s millions of dollars in IAS donations and is now attacking her on a personal level. This vindictive, greedy, and petty behavior by Church leader David Miscavige is so very typical of Scientology. This behavior also goes to proving the argument that Scientology is a sleazy dirtbag cult that rips people off and gives nothing in return

As L. Ron Hubbard wrote:

“First consider a group which takes in money but does not deliver anything in exchange. This is called rip-off. It is the ‘exchange’ condition of robbers, tax men, governments and other criminal elements.” – L. Ron Hubbard, HCO PL 10 Sep 82 – Exchange, Org Income and Staff Pay.

On a related note, we recently completed an article here at the Scientology Money Project for Scientologists who are seeking repayments of monies on account with the Church.

Despite its letter writing and unwarranted personal attacks on Leah Remini, the  Church of Scientology strategically fails to address the actual and glaring reasons for the mounting criticism and odium it incurs daily within Western Culture:

  • Disconnection
  • Breaking Up families by Disconnection
  • Fair game, stalking, and spying on former members and critics
  • The daily and weekly financial rape of its parishioners by nonstop fundraising
  • The brutality of the RPF
  • The lies and brutality of David Miscavige; how was this man allowed to become an unchallenged Dictator in a Church that told the IRS it had a system of internal checks and balances? Did the Church lie to the IRS in its bid for tax exemption? It certainly appears that way.
  • The Church’s refusal to make public all of the details of its secret agreement with the IRS
  • The system of vicious contracts it uses to strip its members of their civil and legal rights
  • The continual lies its spouts in its PR releases; why does the Church lie even when it does not need to lie?

If the Church of Scientology is truly committed to setting the record straight with ABC and Western Culture altogether, it needs address the real issues. The Church further needs to publish real numbers. Specifically, the Church needs to publish these actual numbers:

  1. Current and active IAS membership numbers
  2. Number of current Scientologists active on OT VII
  3. Number of active Scientologists by country
  4. Number of Sea Org members and their average weekly stipend for 2005-2015.
  5. Liquid cash balances in all accounts: CSI, IAS, CSRT, etc.
  6. 2014 Balance sheets for CSI, Flag, AOLA, and all other major Orgs.
  7. Actual numbers of new public members who have joined the Church in 2010-2014.
  8. Membership loss and retention numbers since 2005.
  9. Verifiable evidence to support its claims that Scientology has grown more in the past ten years than in the previous 50 years. What does this claim even mean? Is Scientology referring to real estate or members? The meaningful growth would be members and not buildings. I say this because any group with money can buy buildings. Scientology’s growing real estate portfolio does not mean that Scientology is growing; it simply means the Church has assets to purchase financially nonperforming real estate sufficient to satisfy the IRS requirement to spend money in the public benefit, in this case the purchase of buildings to use as Orgs.
  10. Monies spent by the Church and the IAS on lawyers since 2005.
  11. Refunds and repayments given since 2005.
  12. Number of WDAH every year since 2005.
  13. Number of auditors made since 2005.
  14. Number of people declared SP’s since 2005.
  15. Number of Sea Org members blown or routed out since 2005 versus the number of new Sea Org members since 2005.

These numbers need to be audited and validated by an independent third party hired by the Church. Having published Scientology’s 990-T’s, I am interested in the real data. I would like to see and inspect the numbers.

In my view, absent actual evidence the Church of Scientology is essentially publishing meaningless propaganda and self-indicting vitriol that serves to prove the viciousness of the Church of Scientology. The Church is doing this to itself; it sewed the wind and is now reaping the whirlwind.

Until Scientology publishes its real numbers and honestly addresses the intrinsic and systemic problems its own internal polices continually create, the Church will continue on its present trajectory of self-destruction. I have always written that Scientology is inherently self-destructive. From my perspective what is certain is this: The Church of Scientology is being broken upon the wheel of history and is doing everything it can to hasten its own destruction.

8 replies »

  1. What is clear: The cult cannot continue their current playbook if they want to go on. They have painted themselves into a corner, created droves of enemies. They have created all of their own “disgruntled exes” and problems.

    WHY are so many people “disgruntled”, “excommunicated”, “liars”, some after 30+ years of slavish service to the church. After 30 years, shouldn’t a Scientologist be near the promised Godhood? Hmmm.

    Why can’t anyone leave Scientology without all the drama? People leave religions all the time; they are not hunted down, harassed, insulted. They don’t get websites dedicated to how they are “adulterers”, “home wreckers”, “cult leaders” or whatever bizarre insults Scientology finds in their Thesaurus.

    Their “Attack, never defend” policy is allowing the public to see them as the fools they are, and worse. Even if the public does not know about all the heinous acts the cult has committed, seeing a “church” refer to anyone’s statements as “provable bullshit” doesn’t sit right with anyone–except the brainwashed.

    I enjoy their inability to NOT shoot themselves repeatedly in their collective feet. Reading freedom magazine and their bizarre press releases, give me great hope they are in death throes.

    I’m grabbing the popcorn, and sending waves of appreciation to you and all who have worked so hard to expose the atrocities by Scientology. KUDOS!

  2. If these are published on the church’s website, then no worries, nobody will even see them.
    Excellent article.

  3. Historically evil has usually won, so it’s an open question whether they can be defeated.

  4. Suggested topic for a post:
    An Open Letter to Bob Duggan:
    Scientology destroys families and harms people. Why do you support them?

  5. I whole-heartedly agree. Anyone thinking of becoming a member needs to know you simply cannot quit, not without being subjected to character assassination, Black PR, lies and slander. Lovely, isn’t it? Scn is sooooo theta.

    Their agenda is simple: To extract all that is valuable from the individual.

    Your money
    Your time
    Your children

    When all that is gone, you are ethics bait.

  6. Historically the church has gotten away with Fair Game actions. Consider what they did to David Mayo, Paulette Cooper, etc. Not once has anyone had criminal charges brought against them for these actions.

    So why would the church stop Fair Gaming their critics? Hubbard declared Fair Game. Hubbard is always right. The Church of Scientology has NEVER paid for their actions.

    99.99% of the public has never heard of Fair Game. Most people who are following the Leah Remini saga won’t read the Church’s rebuttals. Of those who do, most won’t realize that the rebuttals say nothing, and the news media isn’t doing their jobs by tearing the statements apart. Unless the media does tear into those statements, the public won’t fully realize how criminal the church is.

    Of course that’s the American media. The Australians seem to get it.

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